May 4, 2023
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St. Michael Community School is home to the division's Michif language programming. The Northern Michif language (traditionally a combination of French and Plains Cree) is taught as a core classroom subject in all grades (kindergarten - Grade 8). About 100 minutes per week will be spent teaching Michif, depending on the grade level.
acahkowin: petite michif opikiskkwewak (spirited little Michif speakers) is a bilingual language program that was established through partnership with the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan in 2020. In 2023-24, Michif bilingual will be offered in kindergarten through Grade 3.
Michif Bilingual Kindergarten
- all-day, every-day early learning program
- grow in your Métis identity through an emphasis on language and culture
- integration of land-based learning
- transportation provided
- nutrition support provided (breakfast, lunch, snack)
- fall 2014: St. Michael Community School begins Métis Cultural Program
- April 2016: GSCS and CUMFI sign Educational Alliance Agreement
- April 2019: Saskatchewan Ministry of Education introduces Michif 10, 20 and 30 high school curriculum
- (Our hope is the elementary core Michif language program opens the door for future high school courses in the division.)
- June 2019: GSCS Board of Education approves Core Michif Language Program at St. Michael Community School
- September 2020: Michif Bilingual Kindergarten begins thanks to a partnership with Métis Nation-Saskatchewan.
- June 2022: Elders Sandra Laliberte, Louise Oelke, Mary Morin and Irene Sharp give the program the name: acahkowin: petite michif opikiskkwewak (spirited little Michif speakers)